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Higher Order Functions

Hmmm, this is a rather unusual topic to talk about in a blog :] but I'm gonna try talking about it for short while.
I think that using these functions with arrays can save you up a lot of time since you can chain them together to produce any desired output. In the beginning, anonymous functions were scary to me. I still remember dealing with them using the language Java and especially lately with android mobile development. We used these anonymous functions to override a function without creating a new class from scratch just to make it fast and avoid repeating unnecessary code.
Why am I talking about anonymous functions? well, because usually we have used our implementation of these functions(higher order ones) and wrote them with the help of anonymous functions. We don't need to repeat ourselves anymore with the map function for example, and the same goes for filter and reduce as well. Except that we still didn't touch upon these two functions yet.
So, till next time I'm gonna stop here and continue later.



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