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Where Do I See Myself in Five Years?

This question has been on my mind for the past couple of months and I've been thinking very deeply about it. I have always wanted to be a great programmer, someone who can build great applications to help improve the quality of life for people; especially refugees and the forgotten minorities in our communities.
But everybody has to start somewhere, so I started with studying the major that I loved the most; Computer Engineering :)
After graduation (while studying also), I wanted to improve my coding skills by taking online courses and even considering the local centers that teach Computer Science. However, I wasn't pleased with the results for many different reasons. Like for example: sometimes the material is too basic or too advanced or the lecturer didn't convey the concepts in an understandable way.
And then, came the announcement of RBK :D
That was the moment where I got really excited, and got my hopes all up for the next few months of my life.
We are just one week in but I'm already witnessing great improvements.

Hopefully, this will be the greatest experience of my life.


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